Proposed challenge
Our partnership with the technology solutions provider began at a strategic time for Bindflow’s growth. In 2023, they completed two years of operation with an annual growth of 400% and are about to open a new headquarters in the HOTMILK innovation ecosystem at PUC-PR. Their portfolio already included innovations for sectors such as health, logistics, mining, agribusiness, and leisure, capable of transforming people’s lives.
Our touch of inventiveness
The moment was ideal to increase visibility and strengthen the brand regionally, nationally, and internationally. After a detailed briefing and constant exchanges of strategic positioning alignment, we began direct contact with the press to build an evolving, constant and qualitative relationship. Our strategy was based on disseminating the practical benefits generated for society by its intelligent solutions. For each interview, we carry out media training so that the spokesperson knows how to make the most of it and build their authority during the interviews.
The intelligent transformation
Since then, the Bindflow brand has been acknowledged by the market and its executives have strengthened their credibility through participating in prominent spaces in national and international vehicles, such as the Chinese news channel, CGTN; the national journalistic portal Valor Econômico, Terra and Baguete; in addition to interviews for the regional BandTV and Rede Massa (SBT affiliate).